A 2018 Volvo report titled “The State of Electric Vehicles in America” provides further confirmation of a common sense expectation: EV adoption is linked to Range Anxiety.
Volvo Car USA/The Harris Poll surveyed 1,510 USA drivers “…To provide new insights on the evolution of electric vehicles, the current barriers to purchasing, and the future of the EV economy.” (LINK TO REPORT HERE)
The two largest barriers to EV ownership among non-EV drivers polled in the study were: 1) Fear of Running out of Power (62%); And 2) Low Availability of Charging Stations (53%). Almost two thirds (61%) of the non-EV drivers also listed More Charging Stations as the top factor in increasing their likelihood of buying an EV. In short, non-EV drivers have Range Anxiety.
More alarmingly, only 16% of the 250 current EV drivers polled said they charge at work.

Contact us at Park to Spark for help with your workplace EV charging strategy. Providing EV charging will help resolve Range Anxiety issues and increase the workplace EV charging frequency of your employees.