Green Car Reports published an article about Flow Cells.In short, Flow Cell technology uses two fluids that are pumped into the car. When combined, the fluids create electricity. A kind of refueling of batteries with fresh chemicals-instead of recharging the chemicals that stay in the batteries. It is an interesting way to drive electric with a gas-station-like fueling method.
“The challenges of setting up any new fueling infrastructure (like flow cell) are those presently faced by hydrogen fuel-cell vehic
le proponents.”
We add that the same issues are also being faced by Compressed Natural Gas. Fuel stations are really, really expensive to build.
But, electricity is simply everywhere. The appropriate combination of EV range, parking time, and charging location can solve the fueling problem.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you with your EV Charging Strategy. We’ll show you how to keep it simple, affordable, and effective.