Park to Spark™ has a 2013 Ford Fusion Energi in our “fleet”. Our car averages around 18 miles of full EV range before becoming just a car. We average about 56 MPG total on the car with our driving habits (living in the suburbs).

According to Green Car Reports, the 2017 Fusion Energi will have an all Electric range of 22 miles before becoming just a car. Since 78% of commuters drive 20 miles or less to work each day, the Fusion Energi is a perfect choice for those with workplace EV charging.

Commuters would leave home with a full charge and 22 miles of EV range. Arrive 20 miles away at work after an all EV drive. Charge at work while parking for 8 hours. Then, drive home 20 miles on all EV. 78% of commuters could drive all EV in the 2017 Fusion Energi every work day.

Please contact us to discuss how we can help your commuters drive electric and increase your sustainability practices.